Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Lazlo Legacy 1.7

Last week ended with a birthday, and this week starts with a birthday. Justice Lazlo is aging to adult!
His face has a few more lines, but I still think he's handsome.
Faith's lifetime wish is to become an Illustrious Author, so she went to the bookstore to get a part time job. In Sims 3: Ambitions, Sims can now register with City Hall as entrepreneurs. Faith will register as a professional painter when she transitions to young adulthood.
As I write, I realize I don't have any closeups of Faith in this entry, but you will be able to see a good closeup of her on the Family Profiles
Faith had a school opportunity that involved catching a fish, so she went to the park. Since Faith hates the outdoors, she was not a happy camper. She finally did catch something and got a boost to her school performance. I don't know if it's because she's grumpy and hates the outdoors so that her mood is always low, but she has a harder time in school than her brothers. She takes longer to complete her homework, and she can't get her grade above a C. She’ll be lucky if she can maintain her job.
This young lady is Nichol (sic) Stern, who used to be the paper girl. She and Chance are good friends, so he invited her over to celebrate his and Fortune's birthday.
As the elder, Fortune goes first.
Fortune aged up into Justice's hairstyle. He's not bad looking. I think he's a good mix of his parents. He rolled Schmoozer as his fourth trait. His lifetime wish is to Become a Dynamic DNA Profiler. Since Fortune is a Loner, I figured a job at the mausoleum would be perfect.
Chance is next, and Nichol is right by his side. He also rolled Schmoozer as his fourth trait, so the twins finally have something in common.
Make that two things in common. Chance also aged up into Justice's hairstyle. *Sigh* EAxis. Chance is a bit on the pudgy side, but his lifetime wish is to be a Superstar Athlete so that gut won't be around for long. To get going in the area of of sports and fitness, Chance got a job as Spa Specialist.
Chance and Nichol dig into the birthday cake.
Chance's hormones kick in, and he realizes he likes her as more than just a friend.
The feeling is mutual and Nichol agrees to become his girlfriend. Chance is the baby of the family, but he's the first one to establish a romantic relationship.
During this week, Justice got promoted to Top Gun. This is my favorite military career outfit so far. Those aviator glasses are hot! (Note to self: Stop fawning over your Sim. #1 You are married. #2 He is married. #3 He is not real!)
Chance invited his lady love over for dinner later in the week only to discover that she was indeed a lady. Nichol had aged to young adult, but the game still identified them as boyfriend and girlfriend. The game does not let them interact romantically, though. Adaeze does not approve of this grown woman dating her son. Adaeze is a Level 10 Martial Artist. Nichol, watch your back, girlfriend!

Completion Challenge Scoring:
Unique Traits: 5
Careers: 0
LTW: 1
Skill Challenges: 2
Paranormal: 0
Miscellaneous: 0
Total Points: 8


  1. I love Justice's new look and that his sons have their father's hairstyle! It's too bad Justice couldn't be a firefighter, he'd make a great one!

  2. I think Justice would have been an awesome firefighter, too.

    Chance looks just like Justice when he has Justice's hairstyle.
